I made a user-script that will block twitch chat spam (personal r9k mode, filter caps lock, repetitive words etc)

Copy pasting it here, because mods removed

Hello. I was tired of reading caps-lock only sentences and endless ascii and emote-spam in some twitch channels. I was also tired of reading the odd spam in other channels, because while the mods does good work in most civil channels, they can't catch everything.

I thought this was relevant to the HS sub since I watch a lot of HS on twitch. So hopefully some of you will find this useful for your chat experience.


Image (debugmode, to the lower middle): http://puu.sh/mapHo/1527c54471.jpg

Video (activate youtube captions): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvhQLBq2o_Y


First you need a user-script extension manager.

For Chrome get Tampermonkey (Chrome)

For Firefox get Greasemonkey

For Opera get Tampermonkey (Opera)

Then install the script here (press Install this script): https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/15556-antikappa-remove-chat-spam-from-twitch-tv

Settings (self-explanatory).

You will need to change the code itself within your user-script extension manager for this.

r9kModeBool: true, //personal twitch r9k
blockExclusiveUpperCaseBool: true, //removes exclusive caps lock 
blockMostlyUpperCaseBool: true, //blocks messages with mostly caps lock
blockVeryLongMessagesBool: false, //removes long messages which usually contains repetitive copy pastes
blockRepeatedWordInSentenceBool: true, //removes repeated words, like "Kappa Kappa Kappa"
blockTypicalSpamBool: true, //removes suspected random spam
blockNonEnglishCharactersBool: false, //blocks everything that isn't the standard ASCII character set

Closing words

I have contacted NightDev and they will eventually integrate this into BetterTTV so in the future you will not need this user-script. But currently you will need to install it this way.

The code is currently compatible with BetterTTV.

Hope this will improve your twitch chat experience..!

/r/hearthstone Thread Parent