I made a video showing that Albertan's are being shorted on Cannabis purchases. Might not seem like a big deal to some but its false advertising plain and simple.

It was packaged about 3 months ago. That being said its my opinion they should have to account for water loss that will occur by adding a little extra i literally never had a dealer short me weed with an excuse of water loss. Or humidify the product together in fridges in stores rather than have millions of plastic pill bottles. If we ditched this pill bottle crap we could all bring our own containers and get it weighed out in front of us.

I literally never had dealers ever be like "Bro its just water loss" I paid and got the exact amount or more of good weed. If a bunch of criminals can get this level of quality control im really not sure why the government should get a pass.

/r/alberta Thread Parent Link - youtube.com