I made a witness statement and I want to retract it

Once you’ve given a statement you don’t have any say about how a case can proceed or what will happen as a result of your statement. You can withdraw your statement but you can’t erase what you’ve written from the record.

To withdraw, you need to write a letter to CPS explaining why you wish to withdraw and whether your original statement was accurate. This letter can also be used as evidence in a trial so you might want to avoid saying anything that might incriminate the person further for e.g. that they had spoken to you, as this is an offence. When you explain why you want to withdraw you can simply say that you no longer support the prosecution and do not want to attend court to give evidence. If you felt pressured by the police to give a statement you can say that. Describing your fear of the person who came to the door might trigger further investigation of them, which appears to not be what you want.

After this, they can still issue a witness summons for court and compel you to attend and speak to your statement. If they think you are likely to be unhelpful to them, they might not call you. If they think there is insufficient evidence without your statement they might discontinue the case.

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