[MAGATHREAD] /r/the_donald has gone private!

First off, I want to inform you that it's pretty easy to tell your alt account. If you don't want them connected by someone with something bad in their mind, I'm going to advice you to delete the comment and write it again with your other account. If you don't care and it was just to disguise us, it didn't work and it's alright for now.

You're lucky though. We all got into the mood this morning to make an exception on strict rule enforcement for this post. This means, while your comment would usually get removed for being off topic and not trying to answer OP's question, we will let it slip this time.

The first time, it took 22 hours for a mod to approve the post and by the time it was finally visible to the public it got pushed off the first page because of how late it was.

You have a point there. We were a bit understaffed a couple of months ago. Older mods got other things to do and we missed the right moment to add newcomers. Some unclear posts, or posts that should have gotten removed, have been sitting in the queue for longer than they should habe, sometimes.

The second and third times they just didn't approve the post because the mod didn't believe it belonged on the subreddit so I got some copy paste message telling me to ask on another (arguably irrelevent) subreddit.

This happens, and you're encouraged by the automoderator to message us when you think there was an error. If you come in friendly, you will get a friendly response. If you come in and call us names, our inner edgy meme lords arise and will give you some spicy copy pasta. Even then there will be at least 1 or 2 moderators that try to explain it to you.

It's also very easy to manipulate this subreddit as other people have already pointed out where you can google some current fad/trend and get 2000+ karma for free.

Karmawhores whoring Karma, what can you do.

I'd say OOTL is pretty bad at the moment.

I think it has never been better.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread Parent