Magic the Gathering players of reddit, who was the worst person you ever played against?

Years ago I was playing at a popular store near NIU. This was during zendikar/scars era of magic, Caw blade was already a thing. I was playing quest for the holy relic for the armor, and my opponent was playing a similar deck. His was green/white, mine was mono white. Through out the night i was playing near this guy, he trash talked every player he played against. Made fun of decks, clothes, how people looked and acted, it was bad. We were going to game three, and this guy made some comment about my deck being the weaker as it was going for one thing, we were both X/0 and the place was bringing close to 40 people in on Fridays due to how close they were to the school. We shuffled up after side boarding, I offered my deck for him to cut, he refused. I drew my 7 and was going first, I set my had down and waited for him to decided if he was keeping. I want to stress, he had been making snide comments all night, and during the round said a few things about my deck I wasn't happy about. Before we started the game, me on the play, I asked if he could beat a turn one lock. He says "I don't know, lets find out." I wasn't the nicest about asking that, I went on to play a turn one quest and 5 0 drop creatures. I then passed turn. He played a land and passed his turn, to have his land destroyed by [[Argentum Armor]] and him to take at least 8 points to the face. He played it out and was quiet the rest of the round, but after to his friends was nothing but bitching about how the store had bad players who played junk decks or copied people. Was pretty happy with my near complete box for a prize that night.

/r/AskReddit Thread