Magic the Savaging (How Scummy Are These Plays?)

Here's my take as a player and as a judge.

Pillar Punt Fake: Scummy but not really that bad. I would think less of them but it's not illegal at all. Although wording is important.

A less than surgical extraction: Double GRV. You have to actually resolve a spell properly. It's not scummy it's just illegal.

A seven mana titan: Very scummy. Also perform an investigation because the player may be cheating.

Force fake out: Same as the pillar situation.

Not so humble thalia: Very very scummy. An investigation would be performed here.

Underworld Disconnections: Not really scummy especially at high level tournament play. At FNM then you're an asshole but in the top 8 of a pptq it's fine.

Angry Elementals: Depends on REL. At regular that was just illegal but if it's at a competitive event then it's not really scummy outside of extenuating circumstances.

More pithing problems: Some what scummy but again depends on what level of play. At a high level of play, players have a higher expectation of rules knowledge.

Clique myself: Fine. As long as they clarify quickly. If they don't then we get into this wonderful grey area whose answer I don't remember.

While Jeff did clarify that some of these scenarios were cheating there is a lot more nuance in the scenarios and a few of them will result in GRVs or FTMGS.

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