Magnetohydrodynamics - Interplanetary magentic field & Atmospheric currents

Don't worry about being to mainstream or too radical. We all have slightly different ideas. And that is great. The subreddit is open for all directions, and we try to stay friendly.

Haha! Radical claims are my speciality - just look at the titles of movies on my YouTube channel:

Astral Traveler

My adventure with plasma physics began 6 years ago with a short movie about Planet X and it's electromagnetic influence on the Sun. Here it is:

Clash of the Gods(part 2)-Planet X-scietific evidences of rogue celestial body in our Solar System

The most important fragment is the last minute of movie - as this is where I'm making my first truly radical statement about the Sun being drained from plasma, by some unknown field.

My knowledge about the subject, was at that time dangerously close to absolute 0. Every statement and conclusion, which I made in my first movies, was based purely on intuition and imagination. I started to record them, because I was bored. I recorded like 30 movies, before I've learned about such term, as "plasma physics"...

Since the very beginning, I was fully aware, that no one with proper knowledge, won't treat my radical claims seriously. For me, all of this was only a form of hobby, so why I suppose to care about proper terminology and official approval? For quite some tiime, I didn't bother to check, what professional physicists can tell about my exotic pseudo-scientific theories - and what scientist could possibly be serious about statement, like the one, that energy of Earth is being harvested by some unknown electromagnetic field, which keeps "sucking out" positive charge through holes in magnetosphere...?

Nibiru, Planet X - Clash of the Gods - Last magnetosphre 'fail' analyse - Is Earth being harvested?

Tell me, if it doesn't sound, like just another crackpot conspiracy theory, from the same shelf, as "theories", like flat Earth or reptillian bloodline...? Even at that time, I was fully aware of it, just as I would be today...

And just couple hours later, I went through the first serious shock, since I've started to research space weather some month earlier. It was when I've finally decided to compare my pseudo-scientific doomsday fearporn with officially approved science - and it turned out, that I was wrong...

One day after I recorded a movie, in which I claimed, that my explanations have nothing to do with actual science, I disproved myself by uploading this movie:

Planet X, Nibiru - Clash of the Gods - Magnetic Reconnection and Flux Transfer Event

I thought, that my claims were as far from mainstream, as you can possibly get, before you start making claims about extraterrestial gods from planet Nibiru - so imagine, how much I was slapped intelectually by the surprising fact, that most of professional plasma physicists would in fact agree mostly with everything, what I said in that movie, except the part about Planet X - what at that time, wasn't for me surprising. 6 years ago PX was still the crackpottery n.1 on the pseudo-science toplist... Of course today - only 6 years later - scientists asked about PX will tell you, that it's probably just a matter of time, until they find it...

And today - 6 years later - I know, that even my most radical claims are in fact pretty consistent with generally approved science. Despite my initial disbelief, it turns out, that I have now everything, what is needed, to turn ny stupid hobby, into mainstream science. And the funny part is, that science don't have any other option, than to accept my findings - the only question is, if I will ever get any credit for creation of the theoretical base for that model...?

In my opinion, the electric currents are more important than the magnetic fields. Electric currents in space can behave like plasma currents in a plasma ball. So the electric power can be transferred from the sun to earth without much loss

Opinion is like ass - each one has his own ... :)

So what do you propose - to remove magnetism from physics? Sure, why not? Let's have plasma currents in electrostatic fields...

Magnetism as a result of induction? It might probably work, if electric currents wouldn't nullify electric potentials. Electromagnets require a power supply and consume energy, to produce a magnetic field. However, pernament magnets don't need any external energy source, to maintain a magnetic field. Plasma emitted by the Sun, doesn't get into Earth's core, where magnetic field is produced - so, it's pretty obvious, that magnetosphere is not powered by the Sun...

After spending 6 years researching space weather, I can assure you, that there's no way, to describe electromagnetic interactions between Earth and Sun, without their magnetic fields...


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