Maher on Orlando: Why Aren’t Liberals Denouncing Violence Against Gays in Muslim Nations?

Homophobia: Not everyone who doesn't want a gay culture is a homophobe. We don't hate gays. We just think it should be a man a woman and the children they make. They can still live their live. Like many other people with fetishes. No need to show you fetish to everyone.

Religios extremis: Well right now in the world. Only muslim countries get bombed. I think we would see much more extremism of other things if other things would get the bombing treatment. But i doubt any one is so dump and ignorant like muslims are, so that the west can pretend that they help you in your fight, while they sell weapons to your enemys. Well its true muslims are retarted, they thing everything is roses. They don't understand the sociopathy and greed present in the west.

Intolerance of woman: If u read some muslim religiose texts. Then you will understand that muslims are supposed to treat their woman like goddesses. This one passage where he is allowed to hit her lol. There are millions passages about woman. Read them all then come back.

Anti intellectualism: read the quran and other texts. There is so much force, that people are supposed to learn and think rationaly and use their brain. This things are by no means optional. Muslims are bound to learn their whole life. However, "Muslims" in today worlds are retarted. 99% of them never read and understood the quran or any texts. Many read it but but don't give a fuck about its meaning. There are so many people around the world who just recite some quran verse and don't even understand what the fuck they sayin. They don't understand one single word in arabic. But they thing spouting this prayer in arabic is muslic. I am not joking.

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