We mailed Lonnie Johnson, inventor of Super Soaker, a Super Soaker shirt and this is what he sent us...

Well it is for any human being, it's just some don't have any willpower or energy left after physically exhausting work or long hours. Thinking burns calories akin to exercise and exercise stimulates the mind more than anything so it's easy to see why lowbrow shows and entertainment viewed at less than intellectual capacity are so popular. Life is exhausting, those of us who have had the good fortune to be able to learn the intellectually appreciable aspects of life are usually ignorant of their own or our own blessings. I love and live for the pursuit of knowledge but it's of a less immediately intrinsic value than the other elements more essential to life. Galileo didn't mind saying the sun revolved around the earth once his life was at stake, knowledge is just this abstract thing we approach in the same calculated lazy but smart way we approach everything. If right now a janitor had the answer to the unified field theory In a notebook on his desk his lack of credentials would make the effort of proving it not worth it in face of the nearly impossible reward. If it's of a nature that can be packaged and sold it's equally true that such creators are usually scammed out of their own ideas. That's why the area is left almost exclusively to the dreamers, those who take the shot and expect to lose but hope to win. Life's a funny thing.

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