Mainstream Media Deleting Mention Of Norwegian Pedophile Ring ("B-but Pizzagate Isn't Real" Retards BTFO)

I'd just like to say, as someone who was completely out of the loop on "Pizzagate" and had ZERO context for who was involved, when I was first exposed to it, I found it both hilarious and appalling that so many couldn't see how fucking obvious it was. They're raping kids. If they weren't, they'd offer themselves fully up to investigation to prove it. It's not indulging baseless rumours, it's having a single shred of humanity and saying "FUCKING SHIT HELL NO I'M NOT A CHILD RAPIST". Y'know, a normal fucking reaction. Truly innocent people get confrontational when accused. They don't like being accused of things they didn't do. They don't ignore/laugh it off, unless it doesn't bother them that kids are being raped. And it that doesn't bother you, you're not human and don't deserve life. End of objective story.

I don't mean/want to get personal or illicit any concern, but I have had experience with how Paedophiles tend what they do. I've been gratuitously exposed to the way people like that think and act, and without knowing of any Podesta/HRC involvement whatsoever, Pizzagate set off every alarm there is within me. They're raping kids. I don't care what you think, they're raping kids. This is what they do, how they do it, and your refusal to so much as mull over a single shred of the evidence for half a goddamn second is why they're able to keep doing it. It's why I've hated you since before I could even comprehend hate itself.

So thank you, Liberals. On behalf of every child who ever had their fucking humanity taken from them. Thank you for bringing suffering into this world.

/r/altright Thread