Major 3.0.0 leak - caught a screen capture of the Nintendo support site between updates!

I'd say I believe them. Because either this person spent a good week working on those or it's a leaked work in progress of the patch notes translation. Maybe someone @ nintendo was working on the translation and hit publish by mistake.

They seems believable because everything balances out. You get a tenta missiles buff, which will buff cold blooded usage (prob something like 2 or 3 subs). It fixes the uselessness of special power up with Inkstorm, the Sting Ray / Splashdown / Blaster main complaints, quick respawn change due to meta usage, the uselessness of thermal ink, haunt, opening gambit etc that almost nobody wore.

Some things don't make sense to me tough, the Octobrush / Dapple Dualies buffs is one for example.

And it also lists a bug fix I've experienced in SR. If fake then ggs

/r/splatoon Thread Link -