Fun Cannot wait for someone to find my base. Its Trapped. and its trapped good.

enter my base the in correct way Aka breaking in you die.. Not to mention i have 5 layer thick walls of Obsidian so that will be fun to tunnel into.

Either way its unlikely anyone will find me, i have it setup were X-ray wont work unless you modify it or w/e.

i am way the fuck out there So if your going to find me your going to enjoy the hour+ long walk in the nether to make it out there to the nether portal. Oh and the portal is still like 1-2k blocks away from the base just for that extra layer of staying hidden.

Will be interesting though if someone manages to bypass the fail safes i have setup.. If you do break in enjoy the loot you deserve it, but please leave a sign or a book explaining how you managed to bypass it will require some tricky game mechanic abuse or something.

Anyway Mcn: The1Beast you will know when you find my place it will be marked with a few signs saying "welcome home Royal Blood"

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