Major bug with Medusa's Mystic Snake

Maybe I'm beaten at this point, but these days I'm just happy not to see another nerf. Visage is far and above my most played hero, and honestly I think he's in a mostly decent place right now especially now that you can grab a quick blight stone and bully your lane a little. I'd love to see him get buffed, but for now I honestly think he's alright. Although every time I see him picked I worry a little someone is actually going to make use of the hero and he'll get nerfed into the ground again. He has a few major weaknesses, he can't deal with opponents who stack armor, his early game in lane is rather painful if you're against any kind of spell harass, his damage against bkb heroes now that solar crest and medallion can't pierce it is lacking, and medusa and gyro who are semi common picks can kill familiars effortlessly.

This last patch decreased his grave keepers cloak charge time, which is really something you can feel playing against low cooldown heroes. The damage threshold changes mean you're not hard countered by oov or other very low instance damage abilities and the stone form drop delay change is nice as well. Though it's still really slow and I still find myself having to explain that I didn't drop familiars because by the time they fell the stun would have missed. They are all light touches but all of them really do make a difference in how the hero feels to play.

I think his major issue is that he does poorly in low level play and doesn't actually have the kind of impact necessary for consistent high level play. He's a micro hero who dies really fast on lane if you're not careful with your position since once your grave keepers is gone it's like you've veiled yourself. As well he's one of those supportish heroes who needs some farm and some items relatively early, mainly just tranqs and a medallion before 10:00 then later aghs. In low tier games from what I've seen that can be a real difficulty. As a result he's avoided by those players and when they do pick them they often don't do well with the hero. In Higher tier games for all the difficulty in playing visage he doesn't really do as much for the team as he needs to. If you don't have a resummon he's pretty bad for tping into a fight. Since he can show up but the familiars will have to slog across the map. He's shut down in a big way by bkb, familiars are worth a lot of gold and xp and die very quickly if focused, he's very slow, and while he can split push safely with the familiars he's far from the best split pusher out there especially while familiars have no vision. Where visage excels is damage, but there are other heroes which fulfill that role more cheaply and with fewer downsides. You can see this in his win rate. Below 4k his win-rate is abysmal, Between 4-5k the hero has about a 50% winrate, and considering a large number of visage picks are going to be people who random into the hero that's really not bad. After that at 5k+ however he falls off again. This is different from Chen whose winrate just increases as the skill of players increases. Or bounty hunter who does the same.

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