Major Milestone: I finally hit my goal weight! 207lbs > 115lbs

I'm so glad someone understands me, lol. To be honest, I thought I was gonna be told how it's fine but it just covers up the problem and pretends like it doesn't exist. Like telling a depressed person that they're not depressed, why are you depressed, just be happy, believe in yourself, boom, problem solved, right? No. A problem exists. Why is HAES trying to say that it doesn't, and even worse, trying to make it look appealing and sexy?

I mean, why do you wanna lose weight when you keep associating it with being beautiful and gorgeous? If you don't wanna lose weight, that's fine, be happy with who you are, but lemme tell you something, my grandma was happy with her weight until she couldn't fit in some machine, and she isn't happy anymore.

Oh, and btw, a movement that exists for a couple of years can't fuck with thousands years of evolution. HAES making people look like pigs only hurts the members in the long run, sure, the BBW demographic exists but it is small, the majority will go for fit/attractive men and women and you will be at risk of so many disease, but sure.. keep telling yourself that you are beautiful and amazing.

/r/loseit Thread Parent