Major Teacher Diversity Problems in U.S. Schools

Since the 1987-1988 school year, educator diversity has barely budged, with the proportion of teachers of color ticking upwards a mere 5 percentage points, from 13 percent to 18 percent.

African Americans make up 12.2% of the US population. If 18% of teachers are African American, they are statistically over-represented.

And today, black male teachers make up just 2 percent of the workforce.
Males are less common as teachers in general. On average, teachers are around 76% female. Applying that to the 18% black teacher population, we would statistically expect 4.32% to be black males. So black males do come up looking a bit low statistically. If we compare it to the 12.2% of the black population as a whole, we would expect 2.93% of teachers to be black. Not too far from their 2%.

The numbers are troublesome enough on their own. But at time when the majority of students in public school are students of color, the lack of teacher diversity is additionally worrisome for education policymakers. Now they are just making stuff up. Public schools average about 50% white. This is the exact graph showing student ethnicity from the report.

While 43 percent of high school graduates are students of color, only 38 percent of students of color graduate with a bachelor's degree. From the previous link, they have to be including Hispanics and mixed race to get that percentage. It isn't even close to true for African Americans.

It sounds like the person writing this copy didn't actually read the report. They are just trying to stir up nonsense.

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