Majorly reduce weed consumption or QUIT

I'm 20 and probably in the same boat as you with smoking almost consistently for the past 3 years. I've taken almost month long breaks multiple times in the past and as soon as I think I'm ready to be "disciplined" by smoking just a little now and then, it always ended up with me buying a q and smoking everyday. I've come to the conclusion that I'm an addict, and an addict can't use just 10-20% of the time without experiencing a slippery slope back into addiction. That being said I've quit completely, and whatever you choose to do needs to be your decision.

Quit for a while. When you think you can be disciplined and just "reduce" your weed consumption, go for it. If you relapse hard, and don't find any progress, you'll know that you should just give it up for good. You need your own experience with managing addiction to truly be in good headspace to quit. Best of luck to you bro, and all I can say is that sobriety is an amazing thing.

/r/leaves Thread