Makes complete sense

Why does your Country allow guns without a permit? I would be scared to even tell someone what I think in America because he could literally just shoot me right there if he feels like it. All you talk about is your Freedom as American citizens yet you are scared to open the doors at night without your Shotgun because the people on the other side probably also have guns. There is one easy solution it's called gun control. This might not fix all your problems but it for sure is a good start.

Let's talk Corona as well, if Americans would've went into Lockdown as everyone else did this would not be such a big deal yet all we see from America is party here, Floyd riots there and a beaches full of people not giving a single fuck because why would they right? You have no rules for it, mask are recommended not demanded because that would be against your almighty freedom.

You have a fucking moron as president which literally told people to inject shit into their veins so they wouldn't get Corona. How the fuck is that still considered a president? In every other country he would be in jail or at least thrown out of office but your country doesn't give a fuck. Don't even get me started on the fact that he fired people because they went against him. He is trying to ban TikTok while half the country is dying, that's prioritys.

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