It makes more sense to have sex with prostitutes than to go out trying to "get lucky" or being in a relationship if you have no intention of getting married...and there is nothing "pathetic" about paying for sex, either.

A prostitute who is being forced into their job isn’t going to be honest about their circumstances because their job is to present you with the illusion of a woman who is intrigued and satisfied with you and with themselves.

I'm not sure why you're so hell bent on manufacturing a reality is no where as prevalent as you're making out to be. As I told another commentor, you would have to be severely lacking in perception not to tell the difference between a person who is literally forced (drugged, threatened, and enslaved) to be in sex work and one who isn't. And you'd have to be equally lacking in perception to not immediately see an establishment like that.

It seems to me like you're trying to act like you're an expert on how normal women who choose to be in sex work are "supposed" to operate based on a couple of weird documentaries you saw.

Like, if you want to know about the lives of actual sex workers, why don't you just go make friends with some and hang out with them and talk? It's not like they aren't just normal human beings and they're always trying to 'work you over' dude, come on.

My best friend(now 24)does sex work and while she does it now as a consenting adult, she started at 16 after her 27 year old boyfriend got her to try smoking speed and “persuaded” her to go on dates.

Sounds like a totally anecdotal situation in which a drug addict started having sex for money to fuel her drug addiction and her boyfriend helped encourage it.

You’re very foolish if you believe everything that a prostitute tells you not because prostitutes are inherently dishonest, only because for many reasons(safety being a major one), it is in their best interest to maintain anonymity.

Like I said, I have been all around the world and many of my friends are sex workers as well.

It really sounds like you're trying to manufacture a narrative that I am simply not seeing anywhere as an actual reality.

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