Making msgt

Honestly, and not trying to be rude, but a lot of this just sounds like small rocks.

been to 3 duty stations

Literally meaningless

7 different duty titles to include ncoic and section chief multiple times

Also meaningless. 3 PCS and 7 different duty titles aounds like average given youve promoted from A1C to TSgt in that time frame.


What these are for will matter. They will know the difference between a PCS dec, deployment dec, and dec because you did something above and beyond for it. To me this looks like 2 AFCMs and 1 AFAM from 3 PCSes and 2 AFAM from deployments? Either way, decs are good, but what you got them for also matters...and 3 of these from PCSes are just kind of like "Ok, we all get those".

filled master pos in joint billet and established job operations

filled master position again overseeing 7 sections/37 people for eight months

Decent, but it depends.. were you selected to fill this billet or was there an empty MSgt billet above you that you are taking claim of for the sake of saying so? I.e. Did someone put you in thag position, or are you self appointed because there was an empty Section Chief position for 3 months while the invoming MSgt was working their way there? There is a difference.

helped rewrite snco log r course

"Helped" anything is not SNCO material. Doesnt matter what it is, if you didnt lead, manage, organize it...its worthless. Helped literally says to me that you gave a suggestion a few times or something...

managed programs saving millions of dollars

Sounds like additional duties in some capacity. Everyone has additional duties. Either way, this literally sounds like "did what i was supposed to do, and added some fancy result to make it sound better than it really is".

handpicked by the commander to fill in as shirt for 3 months

"handpicked" anything is worthless as a SNCO. As an NCO being handpicked by your CC to do something just means you got told to do it. Doesnt matter.

highlighted Amn I lead won total of 27 sq-wg awards over 2 years

won team group and wg level awards

team been coined multiple times by different commanders

won 1 annual sq award

These are great things! But really have no bearing on you making MSgt. You should always be pushing for award for your people when you are in a position to lead. This is an expectation. Its great that your people are getting awards, but it doesnt say anything about how you are exceeding expectations that would be fitting of a MSgt.

completed ccaf, SEJPME 1 and 1 class away from bachelors

This is good, but education plays a small part. Its can be more of a tiebreaker than a "wow! Look at what this person did." type of milestone.

led teams for multiple squadron and wing level events

How impactful this is is entirely dependent on what these events were.

To be honest, I see a lot of fluff. It seems like you overstated the importance of the shiney things like awards and temping as a Section Chief, while not actually do many MSgt level things.

I just dont see anything here that says to me "this person is operating at a MSgt level already". If i were you, and you are really in a hurry to become a SNCO, i would find a mentor. I dont think you quite yet know what being a MSgt, let alone a SNCO, fully entails.

/r/AirForce Thread