Making people Ragequit

Lol at no skill right click champiom, FROM A JARVAN.

I know I am probably preaching to the choir here, but I find teemo to be one of the highest combinations of both strategy and mechanics of any champion.

He definitely is less mechanical skill based than some other marksman adcs, like vayne, but hr is definitely more so than most melee champions. Kiting is still a major part of his value, as well as timing the blinds correctly.

Shrooms traps and his passive make for one of the most comprehensive uses of actual map strategy of any champion. A good Teemos real skill is really in map control and surprise.

He is a split pushing god, not because he is super great at taking turrets, or because he has decent wave clear, but because he can make the enemy team have to dedicate way more resources to stopping him than it is worth, especially time. The endless slows of well placed shrooms and the ability to hide in a bush and simply dodge blind skill shots while they spend a full minute and a half trying to kill you, while your team (assuming they are not oblivious) pushes the opposite lane to take the other turret.

He can make going for any particular objective a nightmare.

He has one of the most versatile layouts of any champion, you can build him AP, lethality, tank, ad, sustain, slow, magic resist, armor, support. He goes in ANY lane. Meaning if a teammate has a tough matchup or a team member dced, he can switch and turn the game.

/r/TeemoTalk Thread