Making Post-Apocalyptic Cool Again

I came up with a post apocalyptic survival idea a long while ago but was never sure how to go about it. It had a unique start to it, a super flare, (I admit set in a desert) but the enemies weren’t zombies, they were rogue cranes and bulldozers, disrupted by the flare, the protagonists (who lived in a tribe) didn’t really have a goal, it was just to survive, they were mutants (UV rays) with powers such as changing skin colour, grows bones out of body, etc. While the protagonists had powers, they still struggled to survive because of rogue machinery, mutant predators and enemy tribes.

I have a better idea now, which is also quite unique, agents that work for MI10 with a disabled gene that causes them to get powers when enhanced by a special machine. You don’t get many special needs secret agents.

/r/writing Thread