Making a WA for Umbrelskul in Azure Vault

Here is what ChatGPT thinks you should do. The first one requires no code and will just tell you when there is >1.

In world of warcraft, make a weak aura to keep track of how many enemies of a certain type are nearby

As an AI language model, I don't have access to World of Warcraft game interface to create a weak aura, but I can provide you with the steps to create one.

To create a weak aura that tracks how many enemies of a certain type are nearby in World of Warcraft, follow these steps:

  1. Install the WeakAuras addon in your WoW client.
  2. Open the WeakAuras interface by typing /wa in your chat box.
  3. Click on "New" in the top left corner of the WeakAuras window.
  4. Choose the type of aura you want to create. In this case, select "Icon".
  5. Configure the icon as you desire, such as setting the texture, size, and position.
  6. In the "Trigger" tab, set the trigger to "Aura".
  7. In the "Aura" section, set the "Unit" field to "Enemies".
  8. Set the "Aura Name" to the name of the specific enemy type you want to track, such as "Kobold".
  9. In the "Advanced" section, set the "Stacks" field to ">= 1".
  10. Save your new WeakAura by clicking "Done" and give it a name.

Now, whenever there are enemies nearby that match the specified enemy type, the WeakAura will display an icon indicating how many enemies are within range.

Can you make it show how many of that enemy type are nearby

Yes, you can modify the WeakAura to display the number of enemies of a certain type that are nearby. Here are the steps:

  1. Follow steps 1-5 from the previous answer to create an icon aura.
  2. In the "Display" tab, under the "Text" section, select "Custom Text" from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the "Custom Text" field, enter the following code:

      local count = 0
      for i=1,#aura_env.Enemies do
        if aura_env.Enemies[i].name == "Enemy Type" and aura_env.Enemies[i].distance <= 40 then
          count = count + 1
      return count
  4. Replace "Enemy Type" with the name of the enemy type you want to track.

  5. In the "Trigger" tab, set the trigger to "Custom".

  6. In the "Custom Trigger" field, enter the following code:

      aura_env.Enemies = {}
      for i=1,#C_NamePlate.GetNamePlates() do
        local unit = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit("target")
        if unit and UnitIsEnemy("player", unit) then
          local name = UnitName(unit)
          local distance = UnitDistanceSquared(unit)
          table.insert(aura_env.Enemies, {name = name, distance = distance})
      return true
  7. Save your new WeakAura by clicking "Done" and give it a name.

Now, the WeakAura will display the number of enemies of the specified type that are within 40 yards of your character. You can adjust the distance by changing the "distance <= 40" value in the code to the desired distance.

/r/CompetitiveWoW Thread