malcolm x was a fucking hero. rest in power.

No, there's very different cultures in Saudi or Pakistan or Somalia or Iran. But all share the same typical Muslim Problems, because those problems se coded in Quran, hadith and Sharia. Supremacy of men over women, repression or liquidation of apostates and other religions, intolerance, homophobia, etc.

The problem lies inside of Islam.

All the countries you named are a bit less catastrophic because they're under heavy Christian influence, but even then they're always worst than their Christian neighbors. Turkey is less free than Greece. Bosnia is less free than Croatia. Lebanon is a great example of how increasing numbers of Muslim bring violence and poverty to societies, it's a very sad and obvious example of how toxic is Islam because we've seen it in our lifetime.

Albania Is a disaster, the while country went bankrupt because some pyramid scheme, please.

For the future of the billions living under Muslim yoke you guys want to honestly examine your religion and how negatively affects your societies. It's very obvious.

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