Male circumcision needs to be seen as barbaric and unnecessary – just like female genital mutilation

I like how you try to make this all about her. Get off your soapbox, they are both equally barbaric and should be outlawed. Period.

It is just as bad and on the same level as female genital mutilation and deserves to be treated with the same amount of disgust. Just because you have been socialized to accept the institutionalized mutilation of infant boys’ genitalia doesn’t somehow deflate the FGM argument.

FGM is far more taboo than MGM in the west because circumcision is rooted in western religions. You cannot walk into a hospital in the States asking to have your daughter’s clitoris severed off. You sure can with your son’s foreskin.

Framing this as a gender issue makes you sound like an idiot. This is a human rights issue.

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