Male lurkers. The kids are 100% YOURS. don't ever call me :)

Honestly, women need to just stop having kids. Like a woman deciding to have kids with a guy should be the exception and not the norm. I feel like most women end up having children because they don’t consciously think about whether they actually want children and how much having them with a shitty partner will affect both the woman and her children. Having children is a sure shot way of getting stuck in a terrible situation for the rest of your life even if you get divorced and also not having them will definitely result in lesser children being traumatised in general. I understand that several women don’t have access to a lot of information and control over their bodies in several developing countries but I feel like the women who do have those basic needs met should think deeply before having children with LVM who don’t deserve to be part of the gene pool and in a world full of predatory men.

More and more I feel like the “maternal instinct” and women naturally wanting children is just straight up patriarchal bullshit. It’s just brainwashing. Most girls in their 20s that I know don’t even like kids and definitely don’t talk about having them and the women who have had kids seem to not really even be that fond of them, it’s more like they’re stuck.

/r/FemaleDatingStrategy Thread Link -