Male pattern baldness, is it scalp expansion + androgens? , also a possible solution

I heard ya, i think that even though they can experience skull expansion till the point that skin gets an uncomfort ( people with a low 5ar conversion), the body has no anti inflammatory to send to the area (DHT), or Lets just say DHT with an AR type that can help as an anti inflammatory

I have heard that the reason finasteride helps people is because it blocks/ no anti inflammatory to send to the area, or, finasteride can even go as far as to contribute to the skull shape of people by allowing more soft tissue to form, it starts to Make the skull soft as the one of a women, might be the reason why transgender medicenes can let Some people regrow hair. Not strange since There are Many mentions on the web that finasteride changed people There face construction,

obviously making yourself a women with the help of androgen inhibition is not the way to solve this, mpb all maybe started because of the bones in the First place

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