Male privilege is a real thing. But only if you're in top 5% of richest/most influential people. For everyone else, women have systemic advantages over men.

If you want to gain better understanding and be truly "right", you shouldn't look for way to confirm your opinion. Rather, you should look for ways that your opinion is wrong. Even when you think you're completely right and your friends say you're right.

You could be living in an echo chamber with people who only have one perspective.

Counter example to yours: -A girl does not feel safe walking down the street at night -Getting unwanted attention from weird guys (not all guys) can put you off guard. Many guys are attention starved and many girls get a lot of the wrong kind of attention -guys treating you in a different way that is not blatantly weird but gives off a really uncomfortable vibe but you cant say anything because you dont want to be a bitch or overreacting -if you're ugly guys dont give you the attention that the other girls get and it amoes you feel jealous because society places a high value on a girls attractiveness

Theres probably more. I'm not a girl, but these are some experiences that girls have shared with me. I understand guys face problems too and they deserve to be recognized.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread