Male privilege while being a transwoman analogy

"Male privilege" in transwomen is a very difficult subject, but I think this post does a great job explaining the struggles that trans women deal with that show that they really aren't entirely privileged. I feel like the only real privilege that trans women have over cis women is not having to worry as much about sexual assault while they're pre-transition, and my heart does go out to any and all cis women, trans men, and afab enbies who have ever had to deal with sexual assault/harassment, I couldn't imagine how traumatic and scarring that must be. I also understand that cis women are constantly targeted by gender stereotypes, constantly being told to be weak, afraid, and "dependent on their man" (Remember that most people who perpetuate gender roles are also homophobic) but, speaking from personal experience, trans women (and for that matter amab enbies) have to deal with just as much gender stereotyping, it's just that instead of being slut-shamed for being ourselves, we have to deal being treated like freaks and criminals, constantly having to put on a facade, a "boy mode" for a good chunk of our lives in fear of the never ending judgement and potentially even violence that could ensue from the wrong people knowing that we're trans. Misogynistic culture runs rampant even today and while that is understandably frustrating for cis women, it's equally as frustrating for trans women. After all, we're women too. We are just as frustrated by misogyny. Maybe even more frustrated by it since from a young age, especially for people such as myself, we're expected to act in misogynistic and "be men". That kind of stuff no joke made me borderline suicidal when I was still an egg to the point where I started doing self-harm. To quote something I once said to a person who was my only friend at the time, again while I was still an egg, "I really wish I was just born a girl. I hate how my dad expects me to be the 'man of the family' and 'make the chicks swoon for me' or how he'll always tell me that I should start 'trying to look more handsome' it all makes me feel overwhelmingly uncomfortable and I hate him and mom for making me a boy and for trying to force me to be someone I'm not because of what's between my legs." I honestly feel like transwomen, even if they're pre-transition, have to deal with a lot of what cis women do, just in different ways. As for things like getting jobs more easily, I haven't experienced any sort of privilege in the slightest. Granted I've only ever interviewed for 4 different jobs as of now, I was rejected every single time despite still looking and sounding just like a cis male. I was constantly made fun of when I was younger for literally enjoying nintendo instead of playing "manly games" like Halo or COD, hell, one of my old friends was actually beat up because of that in elementary. That's only my personal experience and I know that there are people out there who have had very, very different experiences and those with different views from me. If you disagree with anything I said then feel free to share a rebuttal, I'm open to the fact that I can be wrong about things.

/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns Thread Link -