Male redditors who have bad relationship with their fathers, what caused it?

My dad was a rough guy when I was younger. He assaulted/abused anything that lived under his roof. My mom, me, my brothers, our pet dogs. He was also just generally mean to me and his punishments were outlandish at times. I left when I turned 18 to go to the military then got out at 22 and did my own thing. It didn't matter how many times I tried to establish a relationship with him, he never seemed any bit interested in that.

A few years ago, I called him the day before Father's Day. He never answered or called back. The next day I went to my grandfather's house and my dad showed up. He was obviously cold to me, barely looking in my direction, answering any question I had in as short of a response as possible. I asked my mom a few days later about it and she told me that he thinks I'm mean. I was so confused, I get along well with everyone in my family except my dad and he had always been probably the meanest person I've ever known. I asked my mom why he thought that but she just kept telling me she didn't know why. Not really sure if I believe her or not but it is what it is.

I have given up on trying to make anything work with the guy. Just seems like he doesn't like me as a person but were mostly cordial when we see each other at family events.

/r/AskReddit Thread