Man breaks into Johnny Depp's home, takes a shower and refuses to leave

Virtually nothing? Dude, you go be Jack Sparrow or any of the other rolls he's done. Just because it isn't manual labor doesn't mean anyone could do it. When his name makes other people hundreds of millions due to who pays to see him do his thing, he deserves some of that cut. He's not some trust fund baby.

I know being an actor seems like a cushy job because the actors you know the names of make a lot of money, but shouldn't they? Literally everyone you know knows who Depp is, and that's because he's very good at his job. There are also thousands of actors who are trying their best that you've never heard of and don't get anything near what he does as pay because people don't go watch a thing specifically for them. You go tell them that they're not working their asses off. I'll wait.

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