Man captures local dog attack caused by a POS owner on film

Yea I had someone throw that shit at me with my wife and her standard Pom (the original bigger size they were before becoming those weird mini) She was being chased by a bigger dog and I bent down and let her jump up in my arms and held her away as the dog jumped and snapped.

I told the owner to control their fucking dog and responded “oh he is just playing” as he waddled over. Then the dog jumped again and snapped its jaws so hard everyone could hear the smash of its teeth as I held the Pom up high and he started running faster. The owner just arrived when it went for a 3rd time, launched, and I reared back and kicked it in the face.

It yelped and the owner finally yanked it down and yelled at me for kicking the damn dog. I just yelled back something like “Oh I was just playing soccer…..Get your fucking animal under control asshole!”

Dude looked around and realized he had a crowd of people who could witness his goddamn dog trying to eat my Pom so he booked it yelling about calling animal control on our dog.

I felt bad for kicking the animal but that shithead was really trying to go for him. I told the wife never again and she agreed. Poor little guy was traumatized

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