Man casually walks down NY street on fire...

Yeah, if people read the entirety of my comment I ask them to make a legitimate argument in response after downvoting. That is pretty much all I ask and that is the rule of thumb I try to follow if I disagree with someone to the point where I feel the need to downvote them in a political disagreement.

Now, mind you, I don't care about karma or anything but I do think it is a good way to see people's general view on a comment they read and how others react to it.

I've lived almost 30 years being harassed by people of all races, genders, and political beliefs just because I am a centrist and see the good and bad in both sides of the spectrum.

I live in the South in the US and have been mugged multiple times and, as previously mentioned, almost had my younger brother nearly killed at the hands of drugged up African Americans. The only terrorism I've experienced in my life has come from black people and it only came towards me or my loves ones because of our race.

Why should that be dismissed just because the most common race in the country I reside in happens to be the race that I am? I am nothing close to racist or xenophobic but I have my life experience that I've lived through where I feel justified in making certain prejudice observations when I see particularly shady individuals on the sidewalk at night.

Dismissing my view is no better than dismissing a black guy's view whose brother got arrested by a white policeman with an unlawful amount of force.

I know your comment didn't really imply much of this response, but I figured I would put it out there anyway because if I say something like this on Facebook, half my friends would probably delete me.

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