Man finds himself in audience full of people he saved, as children, from Nazi camps

Please read the following and then formulate your own opinion. Please do not call me anti-semitic or other such nonsensical insults in an attempt to silence my criticisms.

I don't want to ruin your fun, but Sir Nicholas Winton is a fake.

"Except for Winton's own statements, there is no evidence that he actually did anything for those children. It is hardly conceivable that not even Winton's own wife would know about it even after more than four decades.

There are other precedents of Jewish people concocting tales, mainly aiming at demonizing Germans and at describing Jews as peaceful and heroic, but which were late prove as fakeries.

Famous are the Jewish couple Herman and Roma Radzicki Rosenblat, whose ”holocaust” story was called ”the single greatest love story”, but eventually unmasked as fake."

"But there is something very wrong with all this. The problem is right there in the bronze tableau at the railway station — for nothing remotely like this ever happened. Sir Nicholas was never at the railway station to see the children off, so he cannot have held any of them in his arms. Nor was he in any real danger himself. He only spent three weeks in Prague over the Christmas break in 1938 and left before the Germans arrived."

While this story is touching, it is manufactured. Israel does this to bring credibility to their regime. They took palestinian land in the past 100 years and said that it belongs to them because of a religious reasons.

Israel and judaism is not any more ethical than islam. They hire soldiers and kill innocents.

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