This man hit me with a 200 IQ play.. I'm not even mad.

It's not irreverent. You are the one who brought it up. The account isn't my main. Believe it or not, this is. I asked you how you define the term 'Reddit celebrity' but you still haven't answered that one.

My last paragraph did explain how your argument was rubbish. Perhaps you should read over it again. Anyway, you've been very hot-headed. It's clear to me that you were angry. That was evident through the insults you were constantly throwing at me and your strong, imposing language.

Being famous on Reddit does make you more superior than your foes. Or in other terms, it makes you more superior than all the peasants on Reddit, yourself included. If you didn't want to hear about my claim to fame, you shouldn't of brought it up. That simple.

I actually barely steal content. I don't run off a schedule, rather I do it when I feel like it. Most days I don't. Anyhow, you're incorrect anyway. Reposting is when you take a post from a subreddit and repost it to the same subreddit. I'm taking content off Imgur which in case you aren't aware, Imgur is a completely different platform.

Oh you hurt my feelings! I've got no life! Bitch please, you live for arguments. You try to assert dominance over an individual. I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you have no real friends.

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