Man I love this game so much.

I got this for Christmas and I think this game is trash. Hashtag # trashgame.

Let me give a few reasons why before you down vote me.

First of all, Peter doesn't look like any rendition I've ever seen, so it breaks the immersion when I'm going who the fuc k is this guy?

Secondly, the fighting mechanics are trash, literally too much going on the screen at once to see what your doing, it just feels like I'm button mashing the whole time. I just beat the fuc k out of the kingpin, he's like ten times bigger than any "brute", but a brute can single handedly kill spiderman. Again, ruining my immersion. Also, this game takes place in NY, almost every criminal has a gun, In NY a basic gun charge carries a sentence of 3-7 years for the gun charge alone. I'm sorry but a basic drug dealer isn t risking a decade for a 20 sack. Again ruining immersion.

Maybe I'm getting old but a lot of games in the recent years are shit, not just this one.

Only good game i played this year was God of war. :(

sorry for ranting, but this shit pisses me off. I'm glad I only paid $20 for the game of the year edition,

/r/SpidermanPS4 Thread Link -