This man has posted 4 times about his lazy eye correction surgery and has received thousands of upvotes + Reddit Gold x4.

You looking for upvotes? Have I got the deal for you.

Post your disabilities to r/pics for that sweet, sweet reward of low-effort karma. It can be a disability of any variety. We upvote mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, political, and fake disabilities! You can just say you have a disability and we’ll believe every word you say without doubt!

If we feel bad enough for you, you may even be rewarded with Reddit Gold. The only requirement is that you’re messed up in some way and you post a picture related to your handicap.

Reddit Gold certainly won’t fix your impairment, but at least your heart will be full. Some stranger cares and they paid money to a website after they saw your birth defect.

/r/shitpost Thread Link -