"Man Shall Never Fly"

Can someone explain to me why the US government takes it upon themselves to ensure socialism or communism doesn't happen in other countries? Do they really think that Socialism, on it's own, is a threat to human rights, or a threat to our own country? I can understand the desire of eliminating totalitarian dictatorships, however, socialism doesn't require an authoritarian dictatorship.

In fact, I wonder if a guy like Castro used censorship because if he didn't American capitalist propaganda would flood Cuban media. For example, there was the radio station in Miami that broadcasted American propaganda to Havana. The US also endorsed anti communist groups to fight Castro. They tried to assassinate him hundreds of times. I hear this type of information and I just don't know what or who to believe. How can I trust that I'm getting unbiased non-propagandized information from a government that is so invested in eliminating socialism/ communism from the planet? Why does 'capitalism versus socialism' have to be a conflict that must be fought in a bloody revolution? What is so scary about socialism?

/r/socialism Thread Link - i.imgur.com