Man surprises his wife of 67 years with a new diamond ring after she lost her wedding ring at the nursing home

I’ve worked hospice assistance for a few years, and was a private assistant to a very nice family whom paid and treated me well, and whose grandfather I sat with, for approximately a year while he underwent chemo while living in a “home“ with dementia.

First of all, the people you’re about you pay to take care of your loved one for little more than minimum wage and no benefits for a job while they get verbally abused more than you know by dementia patients, and in some cases, experience some physical aggression. Change their diaper and hold on to them as they die. I was, as a previously pre-Med student and since changed my major, and got invested for a minute.

It was a couple years ago when I was doing that internship. I remember there was this Asian woman on hospice. Her family died away either physically or less visiting. Nobody could speak to her In years. I thought we could figure it out and discovered she spoke some Korean dialect or something (sorry foggy memory). But I do clearly remember the look on her face when she heard her on language in so many years.

All of these comments about the institute. This offends me. Old people lose shit

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