The Man Trying to Kill America's Offshore Wind Industry — He's fighting every offshore wind project in the country and recruiting hundreds to join him. ExxonMobil, Chevron, Marathon Oil funding it.

I actually do like want to hear what you have to say and agree with you.

But the way you go about it, the black and white thinking and absolute concrete generalizations you make about ALL white people...why should I even care?

My family came from Greece less than 100 years ago. Did I choose to be born here? No. Did I, or my family, call native Americans savages and kill them? No. Am I struggling to make ends meet like many other white people who were born here? Yes. Am I doing everything I can, in my lifetime, to understand and be an ally of those without the undeserved privileges I was born with? Yes.

Not only am I not a citizen of a different land I don't have the resources to uproot my life and move to Greece.

Stop being a dick and more people will listen.

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