Man watched me get changed in a changing room, and I feel so ridiculous

Nothing extreme like this happened to me but I was also watched in a dressing room.

The dressing room in question had low wooden doors with lots of space over them.

I put on a blouse just as a girl and her boyfriend walked past me. The girl tried to plan their vacation and he seemed uninterested and just gave short answers.

He was tall enough to peek over my door and he did exactly that. I froze from surprise and just stood there in my unbuttoned shirt while he immediately slowed down and stared at my boobs as long as possible without making his girlfriend suspicious.

His girlfriend asked, if he was feeling unwell because he didn't give her an answer and walked slowly, and he just said that he was thinking about her question and feels great.

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Another time I was in a dressing room with curtains that didn't close completely but it was just a tiny slit so I thought it was okay.

I caught a guy staring through the slit as I tried on pants but he was ashamed when I noticed him and he looked away quickly. He was a husband and his wife was in the dressing room next to mine.

I tried to move out of his line of sight.

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I never know what to do in situations like these, just freeze and try to realise this is really happening.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread