A man with road rage followed me to work today.

How about fuck you. OP did not do anything to this guy. He was the one not looking where he was going. She was going under the speed limit, and she had the right of way and he slammed on his brakes, so that he wouldn't T-bone *her**.

But your ass is going to make excuses for him? The poor baby had adrenaline pumping through his veins, because of his own fucking stupidity and inattention?

And then he chose to stalk a person in his car, with his children in the vehicle and start yelling in a threatening manner, like a fucking caveman.

No. Fuck that and fuck you. Fuck you for being an apologist for that shit. Adrenaline does not revoke a person's free will. It doesn't remove your responsibility to not be a psycho.

I mean, you actually said that OP was more the victim. As if this psycho motherfucker who tracked her down was somewhat the victim, too. What exactly is he a victim of? You tell me what OP did to him. She had the temerity to be the person he almost plowed into with his car? That's partially victimizing him?

Maybe he felt like a victim, but that doesn't matter, when he was the one committing 100 percent of the possibly criminal aggression.

Seriously, fuck you. You're a worse piece of trash than the guy who threatened OP.

By the way, I am very angry right now. There is adrenaline pouring through my system. If the mods of this subreddit think that I'm going WAY overboard and ban me, I hope you're the first person to leap to my defense. Since, ya know, adrenaline apparently cancels out responsibility.

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