So...we have to manage the load on nexon's servers ourselves by registering?

A speculation I've seen, is that every purchase/transfer/use of a Cash
item (and Reboot cubes are Cash items, even though they're bought with
meso) has to be checked/logged through the account/billing server in
Korea, and that process is what choked up. And could not easily be
solved by renting more hardware, due to the way it's coded.

I know these are not your thoughts and I apologize for the rude answer, but this is try-hard, completely made up garbage.

Nexon runs busy channels (like Channel 1 Luna) in their own dedicated, strong hosts, whereas smaller channels are cumulatively packed (I've seen up to 4) into a single host. You can see this by the server IP address. This is also true for e.g. Reboot, where Channels 29 and 30 are hosted on the same host. Eventhough they have huge stability issues! This is not a technical limitation. It's min-maxing profit at its best!

For Reboot, it's obvious they're cutting costs and chronically have overcrowded, unstable, super laggy servers - heck, there is even "tier-list" for channels!? The solution would be extremely easy from a technical stand-point, but of course lead to higher running costs: more channels. Also helps with in-game KSing / overcrowded maps. They have done this in KMS already, where they have 40 channels. Implementing the same for the most popular server in GMS would be a logical and easy step.

But nah, instead of investing into their hardware, they just decide to "invest" 100M USD into Bitcoins, lose half of it over night. And instead of people literally shitting on Nexon, we have stoned addicts pulling shit out of their asses, try-hard defending Nexon.

Nothing's gonna change with toxic positivity (no calling out, positive vibes only, denial of reality).

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