Managing frustration

Oh, do I feel your pain. More so, I suspect.

I've never considered unsubbing from here, but I did leave another group because I was feeling frustrated and left-out. They were not just getting laid, they were hooking up. I got jealous and noped.

Even here, there are pangs of jealousy. Often, someone will complain of not getting any, only to pop on two days later saying they just had awesome sex. Actually, this happens with amazing frequency. At least for our female members. I guess I should take those as potential wins. But they sometimes hurt to read.

There are complaints from HL partners who wish they were getting it more than "once or twice a week" and I quickly do the math and say to myself "That's getting laid some ~100 times a year." So, in the last two years, a person in that position has had sex about two hundred more times than I have in that time.

At the same time, the great stories and successes mostly make me proud of the people having the experiences. The posters here, the regulars, are great individuals. /r/sexover30 is a treasure-trove of knowledge and compassion.

Sorry for the rant. Sometimes, I just need a rant.

/r/sexover30 Thread