Mandela Effect - 20 Minutes that will change your life!

I believe in what I can see or at least sense, and this Condom-Computing/Mandealer BS goes hand in hand with the Holographic Universe theory backstory, which people like Elon Musk love to make a reality of; its weird because Elon himself warns about AI going bad/dangerous, yet he financialy supports the movement and seeks to expand it.

So.. to theorists playing with reality, which one is it: are we just semen of a fallen meteorite, are we monkeymen genetically engineered by out Creator/s, lifelong test subjects on a enclosed flat plane of existence, are we insignifiant in an infinite universe ...

Or are we flesh holograms projection of a soul from another dimension, probably from a black hole, and this somehow makes creating/owning/murdering of clones alright from a moral and legal POV, because cloned people have no conscience or a soul ?

Reminds me of George Green (Rckfller)

PS. Arent souls acquired through alternating experience that become memories, and if you deprive a real person of such things, he becomes without a conscience - what some people like to call sociopaths or in "modern" terms: autistic, high-functioning, even.

PPS. Sorry for long off-the-ranch rant, but there's a possibility these stories will mix into one big story in the long future. Im just tired of all these theories being thrown into the public and see what sticks.

I assume technophages would jump to defend "their" new super-computer ... or was it an altar to an Alien god, as OP's video puts it ?

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