Mandrake ward The end of map awareness as the extermination of junglers

what elements of the skills you are listing negatively impacted by the fact that scanning for information needs to be a habitual mechanical behavior?

Oh no, I agree that scanning the minimap needs to be habitual behaviour completely. It irritates me greatly when people don't do that. People should be watching the minimap like a sideview mirror.

I guess I should note that I don't particularly share the grievances of the mandrake ward being expressed here. I just see your question and defining various aspects of skill logically is just something I have been thinking about and wanted to share my thoughts on the matter in case they are helpful in simplifying any issues.

With that said though, I think I can more objectively answer the other question:

what elements of the skills you are listing are negatively impacted by a motion sensor that informs you of the best times to analyze the minimap.

I could see a reduction of a junglers ability to rely on enemy inference. So this is going to affect their play-style and I can see where their grievances are coming from. I think a lot of what they are expressing now is that they see their playstyle being negatively affected but they don't see any counter solutions or ways to overcome it, so they make assumption that they will be less useful to their team and less able to carry.

Now I think the positive aspects of the ward are that it will hopefully increase people's habit of looking at the mini-map by using ping sounds which draw the players attention to the minimap. I think that's a good thing and will help the overall map awareness level of the players.

Now this again causes stress to current junglers who, a lot of times, rely on enemy incompetence in map awareness. Now you have said that you don't want to tunnel junglers role into just ganking, and i think that's a good idea, but a lot of what they are right now is just ganking in the early stages. The only way i see to change that is to change some of the responsibility of the jungler.

Maybe give them their own clearly defined tower or objective or something which benefits the team or the team relies on the jungler to do outside of ganking. You might say that dragon is their objective responsibility, and it could be, but it's not something they can really be solely responsible for as it is a contested objective for the whole team. You could say the same of all objectives, but people, from what i have noticed, define area's of responsibility based on a role.

If mid lane loses their tower people usually assume it is the mid lanes incompetence, whether objectively true or not.

I think in a way it becomes a question of how you want the players to view these objectives, when you ask whether a junglers role should be tied to ganking. Much like how players view the lane choice as their responsibility to defend and attack that lane (while hopefully still helping failing teammates) I believe junglers view ganking as their responsibility and so any situation which makes that more difficult for them will be viewed on an attack of their ability to affect the game.

I think that if they knew some way to counter-act the ward, even just the ability to destroy it, they would be less worried.

Here's a thought I got while just writing this, it's a little silly, what if sending a mandrake ward into an area made it do battle with other mandrake wards from the enemy in that same area? The victor decided by time left on the ward, but reducing the new wards time by the amount of time the losing ward had left.

You could even have a cute little minibattle animation. It would be players own little pet battles.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread