Manhole covers in Oklahoma have a city map on them with a white dot showing where you are.

Yeah I needed a good laugh as well thank you for it. Communicating with you has been quite hilarious. But go ahead dude you can think of me however you want that's fine but because people like you I can afford that Lamborghini next year so keep up the hard work and keep that shovel moving for me. Don't worry dude I used to be in your position, just irritated because I was working so hard physically but felt like I was going nowhere. So keep up the good work and your boss can afford that nice new car next year LOL. You reek of jealousy, you should really put the keyboard down and quit trying to do some kind of warrior LOL you're not even very good at it to be honest. This whole conversation has been quite comical for me. You see the difference between you and I is I don't really have to prove anything although you're going out of your way to try to prove me wrong which I'm assuming benefits you? But again it's just being jealous. I hope you have a better day

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