Mania/hypomania Symptoms

Those terms misled me for years. Aside from a few full fledged manic incidents, I'd rarely think of myself as having an elated mood, high energy, pressured speech, etc...

Now I think those terms were made deliberately general because people tend to have specific symptoms but the diagnosis needs to be broad in order to encompass them.

In no particular order:

  • Drinking 4-5 cups of coffee rather than 2-3
  • Listening to the same song on repeat
  • Watching many YouTube videos on the same specific subject (i.e., war documentaries, fitness vloggers, etc)
  • Really wanting to talk to people about a specific subject (i.e., programming methodology)
  • Long, repeating, fast paced arguments with people inside my head
  • Intense focus on personal projects
  • Putting too many hours at work, to the exclusion of my social life
  • Waking up and woosh my thoughts are immediately off running

Probably more. Haven't ever written these down. Thanks for asking!

/r/bipolar Thread