Is it manipulative to constantly ask if you are still loved or attractive?

She has a lot of trouble with anxiety so I think in an attempt to control her own issues she has become more controlling in the relationship. She needs to know where I am at all times and she needs me to be able to answer her messages always. Even if I am at work or something she will message over and over on different apps because she gets worried even though she knows where I am. She doesn't like me to go places alone like visiting family while she is at work because she worries about me driving and she doesn't like me going other places because she feels left out. She will make me leave places or events because she gets anxious.

She is also very insecure. I've had to give up almost all of my hobbies for the most part because she wants us to have quality time together. If I journal or put my headphones on she feels like I am ignoring her and she will get upset. This goes for activities as well, I can't go anywhere alone when we could be together instead because if I really cared I would always choose to be with her over anything else. The only time we spend apart is when we are at work. If I want to go somewhere without her I either don't go or she comes with me and then usually makes me leave early.

I don't think she intends to be harmful or anything I really think she is just trying to control her anxiety and insecurity. She does guilt trip me about certain things but it's very hard to confront that because she does always say that I can do what I want. But everything has a very clear right answer and wrong answer and if I make a wrong choice she will be severely upset. Typically she will have a massive panic attack and then I have to stay with her and help her calm down so that she doesn't like hurt herself or something

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