Many Asian feminists seem to have trouble understanding the meaning of “harassment”, “doxxing”, and the standard for defamation that must be met for “public figures”, conflating legal threats to try to silence us of our First Amendment rights. Meanwhile, they ignore actual blackmail.

Good lord is this woman still at it? Charlotte, you're a public figure and this is the internet. You're gonna get trolls regardless whether r/aznidentity exists or not. But people disagreeing with your views or calling those views stupid is not "harassment" or "doxxing". Not everyone is gonna agree with you and you need to accept that instead of throwing accusations of harassment. The worst thing I've seen posted here about you is calling you the cart titan lol. Everything else is critiqueing your views and calling your position ironic considering you love to preach about white supremacy all day. All of that is fair game. I've not seen one threat towards you. The only threats I've seen is you attempting to blackmail mods and random users into giving up their personal information. If you are truly confident and secure in your message then you wouldn't care what a bunch of random posters here say about you. Just like how no one here gives a fuck that you like to label everyone here as "mysogynistic incels".

/r/aznidentity Thread Link -