Why so many people hate C++?

See, f.e.: JAVA is easy to learn hard to master, such as C#. However C++ is hard to learn and impossible to master (due to backward compatibility, pre C++11, and post C++11 almost different language, not to mention C++20). Nowdays ppl want to rush, and do shit as soon as possible. C++ on the other hand rewards ppl who want to understand, the deepest meaning of Computer Science. Personally I love C++ so much, that I refuse to learn any other languages (yep, maybe I needed to understand python, lua during my past works). C++ can be rewarding but for a price, not to mention C which enables embedded systems run under your nose. C++ is for the patient and is require strong will and dedication for understanding, what are you actually doing opposite of ctrl+space in an IDE and get shit done ASAP. Don't get me wrong, I just love C++ so much I might be blind :)

/r/cpp Thread